belajar tabel dalam bahasa inggris

 Langkah langkah membuat tabel sederhana dengan mudah tanpa kesulitan dan bermanfaat                     

Begini cara membuat tabel bahas Inggris dengan mudah tanpa kesulitan simak tutorialnya jangan di skip lihat dengan teliti dan pahami secara teliti

1. Uderstanding Tables

1) Definition of tables 

According to wikipedia, a table is an arrangement of data presentest in rows and columns, or maybe in a more complex structure.

2) Function

Provide summary information expressed by numbers. By using tables one can easily find out the various changes (increase or decrease) that have taken place in a problem.

3) Types of tables

a. One-way tables provide information about one characteristic only. These characteristics vary such as amount, frequency, size which are usually expressed in numbers. One-way tables are the simplest and easiest type of tables to create.

b. A two-way table is a type of table that presents the relationship between two characteristics.

c. Three Way Tables/ High Level Tables/Manifold Tables

A three-way table is a type of table that presents the relationship between three characteristics at once.

ini contoh tabelnya lihat dengan tetliti ya

2. Sample of table

   this is a table kitchen ingredients.
   we can find the information about:
a) Ingredients name
b) Conversion result
c) Total price of items
d) The price of one gram

Dan berikutnya yaitu membuat tabel setelah melihat contoh yang ada di atas

3. Making tables 
A. Table 1
bellow is a sample table of family expense.

as can be seen, there are 5 items:
a) Item 1 tells about number for the items used
b) Item 2 tells about what items are purehased in one week.
c) Item 3 tells about the number of items purehased.
d) Item 4 tells about the price of each item purehased.
e) Item 5 tells about the total price of each item purehased.
              this table can be used for evaluation of family expense. My family expense in
              a week Rp. 206.000,00 The lower price is tempe and onion, at a price of
              Rp. 5000,00. The highest price is rice, at a price of Rp. 120.000,00

Langkah berikutnya kita membuat tabel merencankan pembuatan rumah dengan uang 300 juta selama 3 bulan

B. Table 2
 Bellow is about the expense of a house building that will be built for 3 month

There are 3 items:
1. Item 1 tell about the number that determines the amount of goods, work and materials written in the table.
2. Item 2 tell about the name of the work and materials needed.
3. Item 3 tell about price.


Jadi itulah teman teman langkah langkah membuat tabel sederhana dan mudah tanpa kesulitan semoga bisa membantu ya terimakasih sudah menyimak cara membuat tabel ini


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